共為你找到:200筆ge medical system 相關企業資訊
本院為新設立醫院,位於高雄市中正路近高捷美麗島站,主要科別:骨科、脊椎外科、內科。醫院特色:1.現代化及人性化管理。2.以病人為中心的醫療活動。3.MTP-Series; Nursing / Medical system (All in one 醫療服務系統) 4.電子化病歷,護理紀錄電子化。5. 創新醫療環境。設置VIP門診及VIP 病房。
1989年成立至今,信邦從電子零組件代理商成功轉型為全方位的電子產品研發、製造整合服務提供者 (Total solution provider),為客戶提供完整的電子產品解決方案。信邦於1999年五月在台上櫃,2002年八月公開上市。主要生產基地位於苗栗、江陰、北京、安徽桐城與東莞。業務據點遍及美東、美西、英國、日本、韓國、台北、上海、北京、江陰、深圳、天津、青島、大連、武漢、蘇州等。完整的佈局,拉近了信邦與全球客戶之間的距離,提供客戶最即時的業務與技術服務。 秉持著豐富的零組件相關知識與產品協同開發經驗,信邦多年來深獲國際性領導廠商肯定,我們的客戶群包括:Motorola、Samsung、 LG、GE Medical、GE Energy、Denso、Philips、Garmin、友達、奇美等。在電子製造服務領域,我們持續刷新自己締造的紀錄: -全球排名第十二大線材組裝廠商 (Worldwide 12th Cable Assembly Manufacturer,Fleck Research,2007) -全球排名第四十九大電子服務製造商 (Worldwide 49th Contract Manufacturer,Reed Research Group,2007) 我們深信,是卓越的團隊,造就了今天的信邦,我們不是在徵人,而是在尋找一起打拼未來的好夥伴。誠摯邀請你與信邦共同成長!
鼎眾成立於1984年,是台灣地區主要的銷售醫療設備從業者之一。曾為 GE Medical台灣及中國地區之代理商。於影像醫學設備領域有成功及豐富的銷售經驗。同時也代理國際知名醫療大廠產品,包括: Medtronics, Steris, Draeger, AMSCO 等,累積近25年之醫療設備經驗,於醫療行業擁有中完整之網絡。 自1990年起, 鼎眾投入自有品牌-Mediland的研發與製造,進入手術房設備事業,我們清楚且專注的策略為:Focus in the operation room。 經過15年的努力, 鼎眾成功打入國際醫療市場,行銷50幾個國家,為 Made in Taiwan 的醫療設備產品 開拓出一片天。鼎眾期待成為亞洲第一之醫療設備供應商。 鼎眾目前於台灣林口及中國南京各有一生產基地。我們擁有全球的醫療銷售通路,也具備一家國際級醫療廠商的經營架構,我們期許自己成為來自台灣, 亞洲第一及行銷全世界的醫療設備廠
客製化三鐵/自行車或其他運動服飾。 行銷全球各大城市! 我們有專業的設計團隊、頂級的材料,一流的工藝,讓最頂尖的職業車隊選手都難以挑剔!鐵人三項世界冠軍Javier Gomez Noya 『葛美斯』、亞洲一哥『黃金寶』...等與眾多世界好手皆為 Champion System 之愛用者。 除此之外,Champion System 更成為【2010年國際自由車環台賽】與【中華台北鐵人三項國家隊】之官方贊助廠商,為培育台灣優秀的選手與珍貴的體育環境獻出一份心力!
We are a leading OEM producing Electric Gear Motors & controls for the furniture, medical and fitness industry. We have been producing and supplying motors and electronics since 1985. We also will be sourcing both mechanical and electrical components in China for our other manufacturing facilities in USA and Taiwan. We offer a unique opportunity for an individual who has recently or is about to graduate with a degree in engineering to grow with our China operation. If meet the requirements below and are looking to build a successful future and are willing to be groomed by our American General Manager, please send your resume and picture to [email protected] or [email protected]. Requirements: • Education Desired: Bachelor or above with Level four English ability in writing and reading • Major: Electronic Engineering preferably with a minor in Mechanical Engineering or relative, QA • Skill Requirements: Altium Designer(Protel), Keil, Autocad 2D, Solidworks or ProE 3D modeling. • Job Responsibilities : R&D management, 2D and 3D drafting, Statistic Process Control, Quality control for mass production • Past Employment: Not important, We seek somebody who has no problem to work in China. • Self motivated and able to apply high standards of professionalism to all areas of responsibility. • Be electrically and mechanically inclined, able to recognize and report problems. Job Description: • Writing software, Manufacturing process control, Quality system maintenance, Quality Assurance Inspections, 2D and 3D drafting. • Will inspect our production at various locations in China, write reports to our American General Manager and Taiwan Manager. • Should be willing to travel, willing to relocate to JiangSu & Guangdong Province.
United Technology Corporation(UTC;美商聯合技術公司) 為全球500大企業之一, 由下列六大集團共同組成: UTC Fire & Security. Carrier. Otis.Hamilton Sundstrand. Pratt & Whitney. Sikorsky。全球擁有20萬名以上員工、70個國家以上據點、年營業額約530億美金(UTC Fire & Security 75億美金) UTC Fire & Security 主要產品為消防產品及電子安防產品, 包括門禁系統. 入侵監測系統. 火災探測及警報系統. CCTV監控系統。 並擁有世界級的品牌: Lenel. GE Security. Qnity. Fireye. Air Sense. EST. Kidde. Chubb 分佈全球400多個分支機構及生產基地, 30多個設計中心, 1,000多名專業工程師 台灣聯技消防安全設備有限公司: 本公司原為GE Security (美商奇異安全監控集團), 自2010/3/1正式加入UTC(美商聯合技術公司), 成為全球第二大 Fire & Security (消防&安全監控)公司。 香港商集寶香港有限公司台灣分公司: 為集寶香港有限公司之子公司, 同屬UTC Fire & Security 團集。自1970年起集寶香港率先提供香港及亞洲客戶專業的保全系統,並將於2011年拓展我們的服務至台灣。我們預計2011年第一季設立分公司並提供Access Control System, Intrusion Alarm System, Surveillance systems and Physical Security Systems專業的設計及整合服務, 包含了諮詢、專案管理及維護等服務予全球及本地的公司。並預計二年內設立高雄分公司,五年內將有雙倍的營業成長。 本公司竭誠歡迎對工作有理想、有熱情的生力軍,加入我們的團隊,與公司共同成長。
本公司自 1996 年成立迄今,以專業設計與責任施工,擴展商業及居家專案為主,設立整體設計工作流程,創立商業形象,對於各類形商業機構,提出專案性整體規劃方案,以細膩形象設計與嚴密工程監督,達到最佳設計服務與施工品質,以實現業主企業永續,融合企業文化真正理想,為主要目標。本公司集多位專業室內設計師,以正統經驗、專業實力及更以獨到風格與服務系統,採電腦化作業處理一切有關工作,使本公司至今稍具規模,於充滿挑戰的國內市場中獨創新象。 Since 1996, the professional design and high quality construction is the service principle of the ID.INTEGRATION Associates. To achieve the best design and construction quality, a systematic working process are used in each project. The reputation from these projects has become the motive of our service. The working scope includes commercial, Educational, Medical, cultural and Private housing, etc. Except the powerful design ability and professional experience, the I.D employs computer aided design to deal with all of related work and create a specific style and service system. Therefore, the I.D style has become a new image in the competitive market.
Founded in 1970, the Homecare Enterprise Co.,Ltd is one of the largest DME-Durable Medical Equipment manufacture in Taiwan R.O.C. Our main products are walking stick, shower Bench, Grab Bar, Foot stool, Walker, Crutches, Rack, etc. HOMECARE products have been exported to many countries, such as USA, UK, Germany, Spain, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Holland, lran, ltaly, France and continuous to expand more countries. If any other special item different from our current ready-made products, please contact us directly for more details and also specify your requests accordingly for further discussion and future customization. OEM ODM Welcome! -ln order to keep stable quality of products, HOMECARE pays attention to the quality control system, and has won the recognition of the ISO9001:2000 in year 2006. product Certificate: CE, TUV / GS, SGS, FDA HOMECARE’s whole team would like cooperate with all customers need and create splendid future together. Company mission :Top Service, Competitive Price and Quick Delivery.
★ 關於: 自1995年創立常玉以來,代理與經銷美國、歐洲和日本的外科醫療器材,銷售對象包括各大醫院之心臟外科、一般外科和麻醉科等。以醫護為背景的業務團隊,本著『專業、誠懇、服務』的信條,透過互信、互惠與互諒之公司文化,提供客戶最優質的服務品質。 ★ 遠景: 積極探索商機,追求成長! 勇於接受挑戰,達成目標! ★ 使命: 引進合適商品,客戶服務至上! 堅持品質,重視專業服務精神! ★ 價值: 公司之永續價值在於激勵同仁發揮創造力、團隊精神;並提供客戶最佳的服務品質,以促成合作之契機,達成多方共贏之局面。 ★ History • 1995: Established by Linda Hua and Kelly Hua.  As subdealer of Asahi, Japan (hemofilter) and RMI (former company of Edward Scientifics), U.S.A. (cardiovasculer cannule) • 1996: As subdealer of Augustine Medical Inc. (former company of Arizant Inc.), U.S.A. (Bair Hugger system) • 1997: As subdealer of Polystan, Denmark (cardiovascular disposables). • 1998: As exclusive distributor of Vitalcor, U.S.A. (lightsource and headlight system). • 1999: As exclusive distributor of Aspen, U.S.A. (O.R. disposables) and Arizant Inc., U.S.A. (Bair Hugger system). • 2000: As distributor of NOPA, Germany (surgical instrument), and Luxtel, U.S.A. (Xenon lamp) • 2002: Allied with IMM to develop Extracorporeal Tubing Pack. • 2004: Granted product license of Extracorporeal Tubing pack from the Department of Health, and granted reimbursement from the National of Health Insurance Bureau. • 2006: As exclusive distributor of ESSO, Taiwan (Helico Bactor Pylori C13 urea test kit). • 2007: To be a subdealer of TEG(Thromboelastography, USA) •
承啟醫系股份有限公司(EMECCA MEDICAL SYSTEMS) 為奇異GE醫療資訊與儀器設備專業整合與銷售廠商 服務項目: 1.醫療影像相關儀器醫療資訊與儀器設備專業整合與銷售 2.檢查科室資訊化管理建置服務 3.顧問諮詢服務
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